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This product allows you to download the digital versions of the game for Xbox and Windows.

Super Snake Block: Moves automatically and along the way there are coins, snake body parts, boxes, shield, magnet and scenery objects.

• Deluxe Version: High definition graphics and audio, enhanced visuals and fluid 60fps image.
• Relaxing gameplay
• Simple and addictive control
• Varied Stages: Forest, Desert, Graveyard and Snow
• Body Pieces: You need to pick them up to increase your size. Making it more resistant.
• Boxes: Use the snake’s body to break boxes and earn points. The speed increases with the number of points acquired during the match.
• Shield: Grants temporary resistance. Allows the player to break boxes without losing parts of the snake’s body.
• Magnet: Attracts all nearby coins for a short period of time.
• Coins: Use them to unlock new stages and more agile skins.
• Snake skins to unlock

Be careful with objects in the scenery. Even in the dark, the snake will lose body parts when colliding with the solid objects.